Long Wall Short Wall Method | Estimation By Long Wall Short Wall Method

Mike Mahajan
4 min readSep 26, 2023


Long Wall Short Wall Method | Estimation By Long Wall Short Wall Method

The long wall short wall methods are used to estimate the quantity of different work. In this method, the longer walls in a building (generally in one direction) are considered as long walls and measured from out to out and the shorter walls in a perpendicular direction to the long walls are considered as short walls and are measured from in- to-in for a particular layer of work.

These lengths of long and short walls are multiplied separately by the breadth and height of the corresponding layer and are added to get the quantity. Such length of long and short walls varies in every layer of footing.

To calculate lengths of long and short walls determine first their center to center lengths individually from the plan.

Then the length of the long wall out to out may be calculated after adding half breadth of a wall at each end to its center to center length.

Length of the long wall out to out = Centre to center length + half breadth on one side + half breadth on another side.

Thus the length of the short wall measured into in may be found by subtracting half breath at each end from its center to center length.

Read More: Center Line Method of Building Estimation

Long Wall Short Wall Method Of Estimation

Length of a short wall into in= Centre to center length — Half breadth one side — Half breadth on another side.

Long Wall Short Wall Method

Centre to centre length of long wall

= 4+ 0.45 + 0.45


Centre to centre length of short wall

= 3+ 0.45+ 0.45

= 3.9 m

Length for excavation:

=4.9 + 0.90

= 5.8 m

3.9 + 0.9


Long wall

1st footing length = 4.9+0.6

= 5.5m

2nd Footing length = 4.9 + 0.5

= 5.4m

Plinth wall length = 4.9 + 0.4

=5.3 m

Short Wall

1st Footing length = 3.9–0.6


2nd footing length = 3.9–0.5


Plinth wall = 3.9–0.4

= 3.5m

Long wall= 4.9 + 0.3

= 5.2m

Short Wall= 3.9–0.3

= 3.6m

Read More: 12 Types of Estimate | Types of Estimation

Example Of Long Wall Short Wall Method

House Estimation by long wall and short wall method,

Building Section

No.Item Description (Work Details)NoLength
(H)Quantity1.Earthwork in excavation for the foundation
For Long Wall: = (4+3+2x0.2) + 2x0.45 = 8.3 mH = 0.3 + 0.3 + 0.3 + 0.2 = 1.1 mShort Wall: = 4.2–2 x 0.45 = 3.3 mShort Wall: = 3.2–2 x 0.45 = 2.3 mWall in front of W. C10. = (1.1 + 0.2) — 2 x 0.45 = 0.4 m43.96 m3orBrickbat cement Concrete ( 1:4:8) for foundationFor Long Wall: Short Wall: Short Wall: in front of W.C10. m32.Brick masonry up to plinth in c.m.1:6For Long Wall:First Step: L= 8.3–2 x 0.2 = 7.9m37. Step: L = 7.9–2 x 0.05 = 7.8m37.
Third Step: L = 7.8–2 X 0.05 = 7.7M37.70.30.855.89For Short Wall:First Step: L = 3.3 +2 x0.2 =m3.7m33. Step: L= 3.7+2x0.2=3.833. Step: L=3.8+2X0.05=3.9M33.90.30.852.98For Short Wall:First Step:L=2.3+2x0.2=2.7m42.70.50.3Second Step: L=2.7+2x0.05=2.8m42.80.40.3Third Step: L=2.8+2x0.05=2.9m42.90.30.85Wall in front of W.C.:First Step: L =0.4+2x0.2=0.8m10. Step: L= 0.8+2X0.2=0.9m10. Step: L=0.9+2X0.05=1m11.00.30.850.26Steps:First Step: Step: Step: step L= D1=1.1m24.99 m33.Brick masonry above plinth up to slab level in c.m. 1:6For Long Wall:–2x0.05=7.6mH=0.7+1.4+0.9=3.0mFor Short Wall: Short Wall: in front of W.C.L-1+2x0.05=1.1.m11. Quantity=28.74 m3Deduction For Doors & WindowsD131.10.22.12D220. m3Deduction for lintels above door and windows with 15cm bearing at each end. m3Net qunantity=28.74–5.57–0.646= 22.54m³.Smooth plaster inside the rooms and ceilings in c.m.1:3Plaster for walls:Drg. Room44.03.048.0Bed Room24. front of W.C21. plasterDrg. Room14.04.016.0Bed Room14.03.012.0Kitchen13.04.012.0Bath14.01.75.1w.c. front of W.C11.51.11.65Total Quantity=238.38 m2Deduction for Door/ WindowD15/
5.04W21/ Deduction=(-)19.01 m2The area of a ventilator is less than 0.5m2 therefore no deduction is made For Door, half the number of faces is deducted.Net Quantity=219.37 m2

Important Notes

- The area of ventilation is less than 0.5 sq m, therefore no deduction is made.

- For Doors, Half the number of faces is deducted.

- For calculation of internal plaster, inner doors have two faces and the external door has one inner face

- For calculation of internal plaster, windows have one internal face.

- for windows, half the number of faces is deducted.


what are the long wall and short wall methods?The long wall and short wall methods are used to estimate the quantity of different work. In this method, the longer walls in a building (generally in one direction) are considered as long walls and measured from out to out and the shorter walls in a perpendicular direction to the long walls are considered as short walls and are measured from in- to-in for a particular layer of work.

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Mike Mahajan
Mike Mahajan

Written by Mike Mahajan

Bhushan Mahajan who himself is a Civil Engineer by profession is also the main author and maintains the civiconcepts.com website himself.

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